1 (edited by fcbwilliams 2013-07-03 16:55:27)

Topic: Hi from north wales!

Just got my brand new SD3 from imakr.com. Already printing fredhags' wire bundle guide smile and its going surprisingly well for almost no calibration (did the feed rate).

I'm Francis from Cambridge, England teaching and studying at university in north wales. You guys have already been a fantastic help in preparation for my printers arrival, so thank you. And I hope I can contribute too in the future.


Re: Hi from north wales!

What do you study/teach? My best friend is trying to get a student visa to go to school in England for biomechanical engineering.

Also, what kind of things are you going to print?

3 (edited by fcbwilliams 2013-07-09 16:04:45)

Re: Hi from north wales!

I am currently undertaking a PhD in data visualisation, and I teach academic writing and C# programming to the undergraduate students.

I have plans for an R/C plane (have made half the model) and would like to make some speaker enclosures. Having built speakers before out of other materials I feel that the custom internal geometry that can be created may be really beneficial. That's all a long way off though, still calibrating the machine for perfect prints.