Topic: printing solidoodle parts

There is nothing wrong with my printer, but I wanted to print as many of the plastic parts as possible.  Has solidoodle released the source for these, or has anyone reverse engineered them yet?

SD2 Sanguinololu 1.3a atmega1284p, wood platform, lawsy's carriages, braided fishing line, pallet wood overhead spool mount, carboard/magnet enclosure, glass bed, E3D v6, bed levelling knobs, extended z-stop, 25A DC-DC SSR for bed heater, everything fixed to the SD2 frame, marlin firmware with some adjustments and extra failsafes enabled.  I'll never give up on you, little printer that could(n't)!


Re: printing solidoodle parts

Solidoodle isn't releasing them just yet; http://www.soliforum.com/topic/42/solid … are-parts/