1 (edited by adrian 2013-06-03 16:02:37)

Topic: Only a *little* off-center on that rod drilling ;) (15% !)

So sick to death of my gross banding, I did the 5mm Rod kit conversion tonight.

Interesting on examining the bore hole at the end of my rod... To say its off-center is a tad of an understatement wink

Major diameter on 5/16" should be 7.9375 mm's .
The bore hole measures exactly 5 mm's.
This means a centered bore should measure 1.4687 wall thickness when measured across its center.

Instead, mine measures 1.29 and 1.64.. putting it nearly ~ .17 mm's off-center ... Or nearly 15%! yikes

Whats ~15% errors in wobble tolerances between friends when you're talking about .1mm layers wink



Re: Only a *little* off-center on that rod drilling ;) (15% !)



Re: Only a *little* off-center on that rod drilling ;) (15% !)

Wow, that will definitely give you banding from the perimeter speeds varying with angle.

I also think SD should rethink how they are having those rods bored because hand drilling them is just not the way to do it.


Re: Only a *little* off-center on that rod drilling ;) (15% !)

I know they like everything to be made/assembled in USA, but my lead screw is really nice, and cost me $27 shipped to my door, for 1, from here: http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/212901447.html

I would of thought, with a bulk order the costs would be similar to getting some guy in NY to cut and drill some threaded rod.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game

5 (edited by ysb 2013-06-12 14:03:10)

Re: Only a *little* off-center on that rod drilling ;) (15% !)

caswal wrote:

I know they like everything to be made/assembled in USA, but my lead screw is really nice, and cost me $27 shipped to my door, for 1, from here: http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/212901447.html

I would of thought, with a bulk order the costs would be similar to getting some guy in NY to cut and drill some threaded rod.

180mm is it enought ? can you put a picture of your installed screw ? how do you joinded it to the motor ?


Re: Only a *little* off-center on that rod drilling ;) (15% !)

Ya. I just checked my old z-rod and it looks worse than the one pictured above. Dramatic improvements since the M5 switch, needless to say.
I wonder how widespread this is. I'm just going to throw this out there, maybe it would help to fix some issues, or narrow some down; I ordered my S2 in August and it arrived in December. The serial is #02118.