1 (edited by adrian 2013-05-23 13:37:49)

Topic: Demo of M602 command giving rapid filament change in under 10 seconds

The new firmware I've been working on includes the very very handy M602 command.

This command takes the format:

M602 S[0|1]

S0 disables the extruder stepper motor; S1 enables it (however, any extruder move auto-enables the motor, so its superfluous really).

With the motor disabled, and the extruder at temperature its possible to very easily manually retract or extrude the filament. To replace it, simply pull out the old one, and insert the new one. You will need to momentarily relieve tension on the tension arm with your fingers, or if you have a mk4, simply unclip it when inserting the new stuff.

You can then extrude as much as you want or manually prime the extruder by simply hand feeding filament.

And voila! filament is changed as quick as a jiffy - as you can see in the video I can swap it over in under 10 seconds ! smile smile

This short video should help demonstrate what I mean a bit clearer:

The M602 command is complete, but you will need my current Beta firmware over at http://www.soliforum.com/topic/2470/bet … t-chg-etc/ . I still need to work some kinks out in the M600 command (separate post). Once this is completed, I believe this will be merged into lawsy's repository as well.


Re: Demo of M602 command giving rapid filament change in under 10 seconds

the 'pause" button or Repetier-host already do that... is it only a gain when you use it inside G-code ? or is there a use i don't think of ?

3 (edited by adrian 2013-05-23 14:30:00)

Re: Demo of M602 command giving rapid filament change in under 10 seconds

Inside Gcode and as part of the filament alarm I also posted up. Also thought it would be handy to post how to use it as part of the other gcode additions etc in the code.

Also does it now via the LCD pause function, or manually from the console of Repetier in between jobs.

Also if you moved the extruder using manual commands, it stayed switched on already. this way you can do both.