Topic: Advice on repair

My printer arrived with a torn slider. (Not sure if that's the right name for the part, see attached picture.) What would be the best way to glue it back together?  I have a hot glue gun, but I don't know if superglue would be better.
    Also,  I didn't receive a spool holder.  I can make one out of PVC,  but did it have any kind of tensioner?  I can't tell from the pictures on the website.

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Re: Advice on repair

Use a little acetone or abs cement to glue it together... You shouldn't need much and be very careful not to get any on the rods... maybe throw a paper towel over them first... The abs cement is very useful, cheap from lowes, and you might end up using it often...It might help to dilute it some with acetone in a separate glass container... Once you are printing for a while it is easy to make your own glue mixture with all the wasted strands of abs and shavings.  I use about a 5:1 mixture of acetone to abs.

This is a very cheap and easy spool holder that is virtually problem free.



Re: Advice on repair

I found a video of your Solidoodle being delivered.  Check it out - http://www.tubechop.com/watch/479705


Re: Advice on repair

Thanks Jooshs,  I'll try that.


Re: Advice on repair

gwoodlewistown wrote:

My printer arrived with a torn slider. (Not sure if that's the right name for the part, see attached picture.) What would be the best way to glue it back together?  I have a hot glue gun, but I don't know if superglue would be better.
    Also,  I didn't receive a spool holder.  I can make one out of PVC,  but did it have any kind of tensioner?  I can't tell from the pictures on the website.

We appreciate you trying to fix this yourself, but if it doesn't work out, feel free to let us send you something new.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.