Topic: Skeinforge question

Feel a bit silly asking this question, but ...

I can slice and print a model with Slic3r, but when I switch over to Skeinforge it only runs through the print path and doesn't extrude anything.  "Dimension" is enabled and ecodes are being generated.  But when I compare them to the ecodes in the Slic3r output, they are tiny.  Like 0.03 compared to something on the order 20 or 25.

Can anyone point me to the setting(s) in Skeinforge I should pay attention to get the extrusion to work correctly?

I'm using R-H 0.85b (happens with 0.82 as well), Windows Vista, a new SD3, selecting "Solidoodle-Repetier" in Skeinforge and I really haven't messed with any default settings.  My goal is to see how well the "lash" setting in Skeinforge can work to improve the printing of circles.  (Admittedly, I may just need to adjust belt tensions ...)

Related to this : the filament spool holder shown in the SD video seems to have pretty darn good circularity.  I've got a Linux box that I could use for driving the SD3.  Would I gain anything by switching over to that?  Does anyone know what version of the s/w toolchain is being used "in-house"?

Thanks in advance.  I've tried to figure this out from the forums and figure I'm missing something basic.  So apologies to for any wasted bandwidth.
