Topic: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

I followed along with the you tube videos for setting up repetier and slicr for the Solidoodle2.  I've also made the change for the x being 159.  But I'm trying to print out a small model and it's starting at the forward left (to me) corner.  It's not off the print bed but it's not in the center like it looks like in the repetier screen.  Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

same problem for me.. all is fine except that the "0,0" position seem to be on centrer of the bed instead of the corner


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

That is usually a problem with the start.gcode.  Are you using Repetier on Mac or Windows?  For windows, the start.gcode should be this-

G92 E0

If you are using Slic3r, it is in the Printer Settings tab under Custom Gcode.  Make sure the preset is saved, and the correct Printer Settings preset is selected in Repetier.

If are using the Skeinforge that was bundled with Repetier (ver50) start.gcode would be here-

C:\Program Files\Repetier-Host\Skeinforge\skeinforge_application\alterations

If you specified a different Skeinforge folder for Repetier to use, then start in that folder instead.

Also make sure that in Printer Shape settings that Home is a X Max and Home is at Y Max are both checked.

If you are using a Mac, use this start code-

G92 X150 Y150 Z0 E0

I'm not sure where the start.gcode would be, but you can easily find it with a spotlight search.


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center


I'm really glad you're around.  I actually saw your sticky post in the repair section and I added the start gcode from there and it is working better now.  I'm using Repetier on Windows 7 with Slic3r.

IanJohnson wrote:

That is usually a problem with the start.gcode.  Are you using Repetier on Mac or Windows?  For windows, the start.gcode should be this-

G92 E0

If you are using Slic3r, it is in the Printer Settings tab under Custom Gcode.  Make sure the preset is saved, and the correct Printer Settings preset is selected in Repetier.

If are using the Skeinforge that was bundled with Repetier (ver50) start.gcode would be here-

C:\Program Files\Repetier-Host\Skeinforge\skeinforge_application\alterations

If you specified a different Skeinforge folder for Repetier to use, then start in that folder instead.

Also make sure that in Printer Shape settings that Home is a X Max and Home is at Y Max are both checked.

If you are using a Mac, use this start code-

G92 X150 Y150 Z0 E0

I'm not sure where the start.gcode would be, but you can easily find it with a spotlight search.


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

IanJohnson wrote:

That is usually a problem with the start.gcode.  Are you using Repetier on Mac or Windows?  For windows, the start.gcode should be this-

G92 E0


strange.. it's what i use and the problem is still here...


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

Is the gcode preview positioned correctly?  Is the start gcode actually showing up in the editor window, or there something else at the start?

If the preview is showing something different than what happens on the printer, that would usually be due to endstop hits that Repetier doesn't know about.  That is why the firmware had to get updated to fix homing.  If you just run 200 to the right, Repetier expects 200mm of movement, and doesn't know the endstop will be hit. 

Using G28 to go home insures that Repetier knows that the printer will be against the X and Y endstops.  The X and Y Home at Max checkboxes tell Repetier that the endstops are at the back and the right.   Since the build size is set to 159x150, Repetier knows that those will be the coordinates after the printer has homed.

The other thing to check is the firmware.   In the configuration.h tab, a little more than halfway down, look for this setting-

// The position of the homing switches. Use MAX_LENGTH * -0.5 if the center should be 0, 0, 0
#define X_HOME_POS 159
#define Y_HOME_POS 150
#define Z_HOME_POS 0

This tells the printer itself that after G28 it will be at 159,150,0 so if it then gets a command to go to 0,0 it will go to the lower left.

7 (edited by ysb 2012-09-22 18:48:45)

Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

i have the updated firmware , whent he print begin, the extruder goes home on X ,Y . then goes to the opposite corner to start..

this is the start of the gcode of a 20mm test box ..

; generated by Slic3r 0.9.2 on 2012-09-22 at 14:40:14

; layer_height = 0.3
; perimeters = 5
; solid_layers = 3
; fill_density = .2
; perimeter_speed = 50
; infill_speed = 50
; travel_speed = 50
; scale = 1
; nozzle_diameter = 0.5
; filament_diameter = 1.74
; extrusion_multiplier = .91
; single wall width = 0.42mm
; first layer single wall width = 0.42mm

M104 S195 ; set temperature
G92 E0
M109 S195 ; wait for temperature to be reached
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G92 E0
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G1 Z0.300 F3000.000
G1 X88.076 Y83.076
G1 F1800.000 E1.00000
G1 X71.924 Y83.076 F3000.000 E1.81064
G1 X71.924 Y66.924 E2.62129
G1 X88.076 Y66.924 E3.43194
G1 X88.076 Y83.013 E4.23942
G1 X88.504 Y83.504 F3000.000
G1 X71.496 Y83.504 F3000.000 E5.09308
G1 X71.496 Y66.496 E5.94675
G1 X88.504 Y66.496 E6.80042

when i try to print the cube, the printer try to print it in the opposite corner of the HOME, instead to start the print int he center of the bed like on the preview of Repetier-host

// The position of the homing switches. Use MAX_LENGTH * -0.5 if the center should be 0, 0, 0
#define X_HOME_POS 159
#define Y_HOME_POS 150
#define Z_HOME_POS 0

it's ok, it's the same in my firmware


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

What happens if you hit the home all button, and then manually enter these codes into gcode box at the top of the screen (be sure to use caps)

G1 X88.076 Y83.076

That changes to absolute coordinates, then moves to the starting position for that box.  The coordinates for the print are correct in the gcode, and it should move to a little right and above center.   If it goes somewhere else, then it doesn't think it's at 159,150 when it homes, or it is not interpreting the move to the coordinates correctly.

You could also replace G92 E0 with this line to the start code-

G92 X159 Y150 Z0 E0

That explicitly defines the current position after homing as 159,159,0.  The firmware should already be telling it that, however.


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

The latest RC3 firmware has a bug which is causing this.  Download the previous version instead at this link-

https://github.com/mlaws/solidoodle2-ma … all/master


Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

This should now be fixed, please use the newest version at:


11 (edited by ysb 2012-09-23 13:38:25)

Re: Trying out repetier, prints don't start in the center

i made a test with this new version and all seem to be ok now.