Topic: Firmware update steps for SD3?

I'd like to figure out what the most up to date steps are for upgrading firmware for the SD3.  I read here
that the Arduino 0022 IDE is needed.

But the sticky thread above suggests the later 1.x versions now compile correctly.  And the configuration.h file can reflect the printer being an SD3 versus and SD2.

What I'm inferring from looking at the contents of the firmware zip file posted above (dated 2012-03-04) is that both the Sanguino and  avrdude.conf files need to be copied over to the Arduino 0022 IDE folder, if that is the version of the IDE being used.

Can anyone tell me if that is correct or if I am overlooking something?  Or, if there is a updated "cheatsheet" available that I could be pointed to, that would be appreciated.



Re: Firmware update steps for SD3?

Ok, got to this page
Much better ... sorry for the bandwidth waste.


Re: Firmware update steps for SD3?

Just for the record the currently readme on the github is up to date.

I used to host a pre configured version of Arduino IDE 022 but github removed support for this. Might be time again to try and store the file elsewhere.


Re: Firmware update steps for SD3?

Thanks for the reply.

The readme you are referring to I think is this one
  https://github.com/mlaws/solidoodle2-ma … /README.md

The title suggests that the instructions are for the SD2.

Also, when I unpacked the ZIP file, I saw the avrdude.conf file in  ArduinoAddons / Arduino_0.xx / hardware / tools / avr / etc / and this seemed to be the same as the one from the repository noted in Step 2 on the readme.

Am I incorrect?  In other words, it seems that the ZIP file contains everything (including the material in this folder  ArduinoAddons / Arduino_0.xx / Sanguino /) that is needed to get the 0022 IDE up and running and there is not a need to go through Step 2?

I know that when I got the IDE fired up I only saw an option for "Sanguino" and not 'Sanguino W/ ATmega644P' AND 'Sanguino W/ ATmega1284P', as you note.

And, obviously, the Configuration.h file needs to be edited to select the SD3 - I get that.

At the risk of asking a stupid question : assuming I should have seen two Sanguino options, which would be selected for the SD3?

Thanks again for chiming in and apologies in advance if I have confused or overlooked something.  And thanks too for the efforts and contributions you've made!



Re: Firmware update steps for SD3?

mconsidine wrote:

assuming I should have seen two Sanguino options, which would be selected for the SD3?

I was also a bit confused at the beginning. The Solidoodle has the 644 chip.