Topic: Is there a problem with the USB port on the controller?

I've read a few issues on the forum about the USB port, in regards to over voltage, hubs, and USB 3.0.  According to the reprap wiki on the Sanguinololu there may be a problem with the USB 5v VBUS, in that it's connected to the 5v regulator. Two of their members suggested cutting the 5v track to the USB connector.

Is this something I should be concerned about with my pending SD3?? Can anybody point me to a topic on this forum that sorts out what's going on with the USB port? Or at least shed some light? My computer has USB 3.0 ports and I'd like to get this sorted out.

Thank you.


Re: Is there a problem with the USB port on the controller?

Good question. The answer is "that depends". I know this doesn't help but some people noticed layers skipping in their prints and found the resolution to cut the track on the board. I haven't noticed the same problems on mine so I haven't performed this surgery yet. The USB cable provides a 5v power signal to the board and the 12v circuit can also provide the 5v signal. Cutting the track from the USB cable provided power allows all power to come from the 12v signal to the board. The 12v signal is reduced to 5v where needed. I would suggest you try your printer out first and if you notice issues, cut the track to see if the issues are resolved. Even if you do choose to cut the track, it should not hurt the board. The cut can be reversed by a small drop of solder over the cut.

E3D V6
MK5 V6


Re: Is there a problem with the USB port on the controller?

Gordym, thanks for the help!


Re: Is there a problem with the USB port on the controller?

I can recommend cutting the track.
My PC used to go off randomly when printing, turned out to be the USB controller seeing over current and my crappy motherboard just shutting itself down.
Since I've cut the track I've never had the problem.