1 (edited by MohG 2022-12-10 11:24:46)

Topic: Expired Moldlay filament - any chance to recycle it?

I have a spool of Moldlay filament, that I forgot about for 5 years, filament turned into wax and it's not a filament anymore, it lost all its proprieties, sticky brittle, very soft, can be modeled by hand like wax, is there any chance I can save it by recycling or may be mixing it with anything...I mean with the Filastruder.

I guess this Moldlay filament is biodegradable, I have PLA prints from 5 years ago, that turn into dust when touch them...


Re: Expired Moldlay filament - any chance to recycle it?

good question .in theory possible but is t really worth the trouble likely easier to just buy a new roll.

Print to cast is a similar product I have a roll on the shelf casual inspection it seems fine after a few years  $ 50 A ROLL HERE

Another option is  I beam brand from here

https://stacker3d.com/product/i-beam-bl … -75mm-1kg/

i expect it is imported and have no experience with it $ 40 a kilo

good luck

Soliddoodle 4 stock w glass bed------Folger Tech Prusa 2020 upgraded to and titan /aero extruder mirror bed
FT5 with titan/ E3D Aero------MP mini select w glass bed
MP Utimate maker pro-W bondtech extruder
Marlin/Repetier Host/ Slic3r and Cura


Re: Expired Moldlay filament - any chance to recycle it?

Thanks for the info bro,  I used the spool only once to print a ring using 0.25mm nozzle, and it worked really well, last time I checked it was a few days ago it was fine, then when I opened it to print, foundsome liquid inside the bag thought it's moisture...anyway, 70 EUR to the trash...or may be I'll try to find a way and use it as candles hehehehe

People who make filaments should at least mention , that these are biodegradable and that they turn into whatever water dust zombie after a certain time, all miniatures I printed in PLA turn literally into dust when I touch them, they don't break they become powder...