Topic: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Solidoodle fans!

As we have grown as a company we have begun to seek out a more professional software experience. Because of this fact, we have deemed it necessary to select a small group of "software testers" to help us with this. Software testers will get new Solidoodle packages in advance of their official release, and confirm the working status of the packages.

Let us know if you are interested in being a tester. We appreciate all of your help!

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I'm in.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I'm willing to be in too. Can you provide more details on what exactly will be in? (at least for initial testing)


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I'd be interested... if mine ever shipped/arrived :-/

Beta tester for Corel, embedded firmware engineer for 15+ years, software/hardware designer for 30+...


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Testing will be very low-commitment. You will run the software on your machine, do prints, and rate the over all experience. We are making the installation and use of the software far more user friendly. Of course we will take suggestions from the software developers among us, and I suggest that anyone who is inclined take part in pronterface debugging:


this isn't our build of pronterface, but I feel it's worth it to add Solidoodlers to the mix of Pronterface development.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I have an unused netbook that I can image, then run fresh installs to test their effectiveness. Afterwards I can restore the original state.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

im in if you need it.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I interested in assisting as well.  I also have 12+ years experience as an embedded engineer and I'm still active in the field.  Like most of us, I also have a vested interest in seeing this project being a success.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I you ever want testing with Repetier-Host, I'm in.

I've worked in software development for over 15 years.  I program in the language this application was written in, and so far I've been really impressed.

I won't likely be switching back to pronterface any time soon, as my results are just way better with Repetier-Host and Slic3r.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I would be willing to take part in testing. I've been a systems analyst for 30+ years.

E3D V6
MK5 V6


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Now I think I'm more interested in the statistics of the printer's demographics... wondering how many of us are software / firmware / hardware engineers of one bent or another...

12 (edited by dbgw 2012-09-14 11:25:19)

Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Willing to assist with testing too.

Developer (primarily web) and UI designer for 6+ years - microcontrollers and hardware development/hacking is more of a hobby:



Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I know jack-diddly squat about software development besides a few years of VB, but you have my sword if you need more testers.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I would be in, once my printer arrives.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Count me in. I'm a network admin by day who has meddled with web design and various forms of software development for the past 10 or so years.

I'd much rather be testing repetier host and slic3r. It is just better in every way - especially for new users.

I have a pile of spare MacBooks that I can test new builds on.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Before recent posts this thread seemed to be dead. I don't think Solidoodle will be acting on this any time soon.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Pays for me to read the date it was originally posted wink


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

bah, I believe kaareem9 is a spammer. As he/her/it has just copied and pasted an old post within this thread. And the signature is a link to some random automated equipment manufacturer.

Lead Programmer & Co-Owner of Camshaft Software - Creators of Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I can test any Mac releases.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Though I am just getting started with Solidoodle, I would be happy to add my 16 years of Software Engineering experience to this effort.

I can also contribute a Windows 7 machine and an OSX  machine to the pot of testing systems.



Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

I would also be interested in testing software. I've done many other 3d related beta testing before, and having my own computer business, I have a wide range of systems to test them own.



Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Ha!  Didn't realize this thread was so old.  Either way, though, at least there is a list of volunteers if they do decide to do anything with it.


Re: Solidoodle Software Testing Volunteers

Wow I'm starting to wonder if there are more software engineers here than other types of engineers.

I very much understand Solidoodle is a company so I'd assume anything they create will be closed-source.
I'd be glad to help test but honestly-  given the community-  we could probably come up with our own open-source solution.
I do think, regardless if open-source or not, there indeed should be an fully integrated s/w package to complete the plug'n'play nature of SD.
There's a few years of analysis/processing of volumetric medical imaging data in my past  (CT, PET, MRI)-  some of that should translate nicely to a slicing software.  I have a few experimental ideas about taking a different approach than other slicers-  interested to discuss them with others similarly inclined.