Topic: Filastruder kit pieces with inaccurate dimensions


I recently bought a Filawinder and while I was assembling it, I noticed that some of the provided 3D printed pieces and laser cut pieces had rather inaccurate pieces as compared to the pieces in the assembly videos. The holes in the gear piece are too big for the bearing so they won't stay in. Second, the hole in the piece that is supposed to hold the laser is too big such that the laser can slip in and out of the whole and won't stay fixed in place. Are there any suggestions on how to address this issue?


Re: Filastruder kit pieces with inaccurate dimensions

The ID for the hole the bearings press into should be around 22mm. What is the ID on yours? Did you print the parts or purchase them along with the Filawinder? I'm not able to find your order to check.

The hole for the laser being oversize is normal, that helps align the laser and sensor. A bit of hot glue works great for holding the laser in place with proper alignment.


Re: Filastruder kit pieces with inaccurate dimensions

The ID is around 23 mm and I bought the 3D printed pieces with the kit. Should I glue the bearings into the gear pieces somehow?


Re: Filastruder kit pieces with inaccurate dimensions

I've tested several printed parts we have and they all measure right at 22.5mm, which is just about perfect for a 22mm OD bearing. If the hole is too small, the part will crack when the bearing is pressed in.

There's no need to glue anything with a 1mm diameter difference, since the nuts on the threaded rod hold everything together. But, you can if you want?