1 (edited by utt.josh 2021-04-15 03:50:41)

Topic: Enclosure kit files

I know I'm late to the game.  So....long story short.  I need to scan a couple objects.  I knew my dad bought a kit he never used in 2015.  I got it and pondered 3d printing all the parts but started reading the forum a bit.  I knew that someone asked for the files but was denied.  I was looking at documentation and noticed the parts on the enclosure kit looked like drawings.  So I imported the PDF page and since I knew some dimensions of the parts I spent about 30 minutes resizing the pieces.  I cut it out using 5mm plywood and it actually fit together without any modifications.  I did 3d print the laser holders and the coupler.  But I got it all done today and didn't have to wait hours and hours 3d printing and putting together parts.  Here is the link to download:


I did need a longer ribbon cable to the camera which I had.  I had to use mostly different hardware than what was in the original kit.  I spray painted all the pieces black. 

I hope to get it working before trying any modifications to the lasers or camera.

Hope this may help someone.