Topic: Hook Up for Someone

Hey folks, I joined the forum because I stumbled on the WTB section on the net. People looking to purchase filament, printer heads, and related items. What I'd like to accomplish is to find the right buyer to liquidate all of the material that I recently acquired. At an extremely good deal for the buyer and I'd like to sell it all to hopefully one person. The majority of this lot is Filament, every color that you could imagine, the reels are 10 lb, 5 lb, 1 kg, and so on. Mostly 1.75mm but also 3mm and 2.85mm. Sorry I'm so scatter minded right now on it but I just started the inventory list on the 15 large boxes that I have. I've only done three so far. 50 reels easily in the three boxes. 15 different manufacturers just out of these three boxes. Most is new reels, some are 95% full, 90, 85, 70, nothing less than 60% full. I look at what I still have left to inventory and it's overwhelming. I'd be happy to go in to more details with someone that could be serious on taking this lot off of my hands. I'm looking to make both of us profit. 200 reels or more and one box of heads, most new. Oh yeah, a box full of tablets, control tablets, most need the glass replaced, but everyone that I powered on works fine. Some are perfect. I also saw on the net that someone wants to buy broken parts, I left a whole bunch of that behind however, I can still get it. If interested I'd be happy to give you more and better details.