Topic: Greetings

New owner of an SD2, I've had it for about 3 weeks. My main use is making prototypes to use as masters for resin casting molds, along with some custom work. The molds are used for game piece manufacturing, Mine and some for others.


Re: Greetings

Cool i have a client wanting me to make a mold for a cementeous material what mold making material do you use?


Re: Greetings

   I use Alumilite products, maainly their high strength 2 or 3 silicone Rubber. They have a variety for differrent appplications. (alumilite.com). I have used their products for over 15 years with no complaints. They have seceral videos showing applications and how to's posted on You Tube with links from their site. I highly reccomend checking it out.


Re: Greetings

Ecarots, first of all welcome to the community.  I think a lot of us would be very grateful to see a writeup from start to finish of how you create the molds and create the castings.  It's something I'd love to do but don't have a clue where to start.


Re: Greetings

Hey Manx, We use the Smooth-On http://www.smooth-on.com/Silicone-Rubbe … index.html silicone but they are very similar to all the other producers out there, we've been making gypsum cement based items since the 90's using them and various others silicone's and urethane based mold rubbers. The best tip I can give you is keep your mold as small as possible or use fillers where you can to keep the amount of rubber used in control because this stuff gets expensive.
Ps. Smooth-On also has lots of demos and how-to vids http://www.smooth-on.com/media.php


Re: Greetings

cmetzel wrote:

Ecarots, first of all welcome to the community.  I think a lot of us would be very grateful to see a writeup from start to finish of how you create the molds and create the castings.  It's something I'd love to do but don't have a clue where to start.


   I would love to try to put something together for everyone to read as soon as I get my SD2 Pro running consistantly where I want it, Finish my current mold making project complete, and finish beta testing my new collectable card game so I can get it to the printers for launch. With the products out there mold making is pretty much cookbook chemistry anymore.


    Smooth on is a good product line also, I just happen to like the fact Alumilite is less than a 100 miles away from my home in Michigan so if I had a rush job I could make arrangements for a pickup. You are absolutely correct the price can add up for the mold material, so if you are going to do a large job you have to make sure it will more than pay for itself. (which is the purpose of doing business isn't it?)


Re: Greetings

ipod spammer ^  LOL

8 (edited by iowajames 2013-04-09 13:42:10)

Re: Greetings

Wow, I had heard of them, but never actually seen one of them in the wild! Is it okay to speak to, or will I be attacked?

Back on topic though, mold making is technical in some aspects, but you can figure it out with youtube videos. (The basics anyway)

No trees were harmed in the creation of this email, though some electrons were horribly inconvenienced.


Re: Greetings

I use Alumilite's high strength 3 for my one piece molds, with the alumilite white or tan resin. Here are some videos on what I use.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRcV_J-Q … embedded#!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4A2kmip … r_embedded

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3uGvIu9 … r_embedded

I will start sharing a how to in the near future but due to water intrusion in my basement workshop (due to 3" of rain) I had to relocate all my equipment to a different room in the house. When I am up and running I'll start on the how to .


Re: Greetings

Ecarots wrote:

New owner of an SD2, I've had it for about 3 weeks. My main use is making prototypes to use as masters for resin casting molds, along with some custom work. The molds are used for game piece manufacturing, Mine and some for others.

Welcome. Let us know directly if you have any issues.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Greetings


Best Regards
Martin Jepsen Solidoodle Danmark