Topic: Rate of Heating

Is it possible to increase the rate at which the Filastruder heats up?  I have a Filastruder 2.1 with a fully insulated barrel.
Right now it takes me the better part of an hour to get it from first turned on up to 250 degrees C. I'm not using it in an especially cold room or anything.

Another issue I've noticed is that once I do manage to get it up to temp and turn the motor on the temperature reading is consistently dropping. I've double checked and the thermocouple is securely mounted in the hole in nozzle.

All help would be appreciated, thanks.


Re: Rate of Heating

You don't want to heat up too fast because in order to do so, the area with the heater is going to reach temperatures that will damage the polymer in the barrel before the whole assembly reaches desired temperature.

As for your second point, the motor isn't reducing the temperature, its the fans. 250C is right around the maximum stock temperature, if you need to go further, email support.