Topic: Clear filament too dirty

Hi, all my name is David. So, to start I've had all but problems with my filastruder (the last version 2020, don't remember which #). I got the following set up:

-vertical mount
-with filawinder
-I removed the stock filter
-Clear PETG extrution at 196C
-Whole barrel insulated
-Feeding shaker system attached
-The first extrution was clear petg then I switch to black abs. I purged the thing for many hours preparing it back for clear petg again. I even disassembled the whole barrel manually to clean it.

I manage to sort most of the problems during the above extrution but the filament clearness. I started getting gray filament after many hours of operation (way more than the 8hrs recommended in the instructions). Then, I got more or less clear filament but with little chuncks of black matter. These chuncks are smaller than the filter mesh for sure but bigger than my 0.4mm 3dprinter nozzle so with or without the filter, it wouln't make any difference

Sorry guys I'm writing this in hope someone can help me figure it out what's going on with my filastruder


Re: Clear filament too dirty

"These chuncks are smaller than the filter mesh for sure but bigger than my 0.4mm"

That is not possible, the filter mesh is 0.25mm (250 microns).

It sounds like little bits of the black ABS colorant are still in the barrel, and more flushing is needed. This is typical when changing materials and colors, and going from black to natural/clear is the worst change possible. This goes for all filament extruders, even the industrial ones.