Topic: Filastruder Board Limits

Hello, i got a filastruder a while back but took a break from working on it and now im back to it and i cant seem to figure out the (CV) and (CC) part, just to make sure its the little knobs on the blue rectangles hanging over the circle of copper right? Whenever i turn the one on the left counter clockwise i never hear a click but i do hear one when turning it clockwise, while i do hear a click when turning the one on the right counter clockwise. Anyone know what im doing wrong, iv had this since last christmas and at first just gave up on it but im trying to get something out of it, any help is appriciated.



Re: Filastruder Board Limits

Sometimes you can't hear the click, but later on when the heater is used to test the limits, you'll know if it it is set correctly and can adjust accordingly.


Re: Filastruder Board Limits

Ty for the input, finally got it working.