Topic: Hello from MindRealm!

Hello, fellow builders, makers (and breakers!)...

I'm David, and I live in beautiful southwest Virginia. I am an occasional STEM teacher (through Parks & Rec summer camps), and own a company that gets into just about anything technical.

I have used, built, repaired and upgraded several types of 3D printers, and currently own three of the ones that are the focus of this forum!

I own a Da Vinci MiniMaker, Da Vinci 1.0 PRO and a Solidoodle 2 Pro... along with several others.

All of them were purchased from owners that broke them, and gave up on repairs. I tend to spend a lot of time taking things apart to find out how they tick. This allows some good insight in repairing mechanical, electrical and software problems before they even occur.

I will answer questions that I am qualified to answer and will offer opinions where they're warranted. PLEASE try not to contact me through Private Messages to help with your problems. It is possible that someone else may be having the same problem, and can benefit through reading a post instead!

Thanks for reading my intro!