Topic: Hello frome NM

I recently picked up a solidoodle 2 printer and have started printing. It's been a bit of a learning curve to get this thing working but I think I'm on the down hill stretch now.

I am hoping that I can get a bit of help in the future  here from some experienced users to get me on the right track with 3d printing.


Re: Hello frome NM

welcome to the hobby and board. tons of solidoodle knowledge around here. have any questions feel free to ask

Sd4 #9080 with a glass bed. E3d chimera duel extruder. Paste extruder , duet wifi.
Lawsy carriages. linear bearings. Y axis direct drive, Kinect scanner
SD4#8188 glass bed, lawsly carriages, E3d v6, octoprint http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hotrod96z28
Filastruder/filawinder, Custom Delta 300mm x 600mm