Topic: Wanting a filament made...

I contacted ProtoPasta a month or two back to see if they could make a gold version of their glitter filament, but it doesn't sound like they can get one ready.

Must wondering if anyone out there had made a nice gold or gold glitter filament I could buy for our wedding next June.


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Solidoodle 2 - e3dv6 - Hobb Goblin - e3d Titan - lawsy carriages - Direct Drive Y Axis - T8 Z axis - OctoPi


Re: Wanting a filament made...

https://www.azurefilm.com/product/3d-fi … 6-glitter/
Alternatively, you could do Virtual Foundry, but there's is 89.9% copper and can be difficult to print, but you can do some amazing work with their filament.

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!


Re: Wanting a filament made...

Could you drizzle gold glitter on the print after spraying an adhesive?