Topic: Is this an acceptable replacement for my solidoodle 2 heated print bed

http://www.ebay.com/itm/MK2B-PCB-Hot-Be … Sw7ehZc1KE

If it's not, does anyone have suggestions?


Re: Is this an acceptable replacement for my solidoodle 2 heated print bed

No, the bed you listed is about an 8in bed. The SD2 uses a 6in bed.

There are some 6in PCB heaters on ebay, and also some 6in silicon heater pads as well.

FuseBox 1.5 CoreXY - e3dv6 - Graphic Smart Display
Solidoodle 2 - e3dv6 - Hobb Goblin - e3d Titan - lawsy carriages - Direct Drive Y Axis - T8 Z axis - OctoPi


Re: Is this an acceptable replacement for my solidoodle 2 heated print bed

I completely missed that, thanks!