Topic: Happy 4th!

Have a safe and happy 4th of July, everyone.
Try to come back with all your fingers and toes big_smile

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!


Re: Happy 4th!

Thanks Azerat
I'm not going anywhere just going to stay home print and keep the dog calm.
they do fireworks on Pensacola beach and it takes 2 hours to get off the island afterwords.

Ultimaker S3.


Re: Happy 4th!

Finally got my boat project done.  Got a few bugs to work out but overall I'm happy.  That's a lot of "boot" at 25 mph.

Printit Industries Model 8.10 fully enclosed CoreXY, Chamber heat
3-SD3's & a Workbench all fully enclosed, RH-Slic3r Win7pro, E3D V6, Volcano & Cyclops Hot End
SSR/500W AC Heated Glass Bed, Linear bearings on SS rods. Direct Drive Y-axis, BulldogXL
Thanks to all for your contributions