Topic: Extruder and Controller Replacement?

After a year of trying to get it to work, and 3 new printed extruder bodies, I want to just replace the whole extruder assembly.  Additionally, the second board I got from Solidoodle appears to have fried itself, with turning off the fan every so often and generally being glitchy.

What would a good replacement assembly be?  I don't really want to replace more than the extruder, as the x and y carriage are both in solid shape and look hard to reassemble well.  What would a new board look like?

Thanks for any help!


Re: Extruder and Controller Replacement?

ramps 1.4 is a good board. what kind of printer do you have?

Sd4 #9080 with a glass bed. E3d chimera duel extruder. Paste extruder , duet wifi.
Lawsy carriages. linear bearings. Y axis direct drive, Kinect scanner
SD4#8188 glass bed, lawsly carriages, E3d v6, octoprint http://www.ustream.tv/channel/hotrod96z28
Filastruder/filawinder, Custom Delta 300mm x 600mm


Re: Extruder and Controller Replacement?

I installed ED3V6 hotend and Titan extruder on my FT I3
should should be able to bolt the same setup On a solidoodle.
Roumba ,MKS , ramps 1.4 all good boards.  I have a arduino 2560 and ramps on the FT kit  not too terrible to set up.
They say the first time is the hardest.

Soliddoodle 4 stock w glass bed------Folger Tech Prusa 2020 upgraded to and titan /aero extruder mirror bed
FT5 with titan/ E3D Aero------MP mini select w glass bed
MP Utimate maker pro-W bondtech extruder
Marlin/Repetier Host/ Slic3r and Cura


Re: Extruder and Controller Replacement?

I have a Solidoodle 2.  For some reason I thought Ramps was a firmware version not an actual board?

That Titan extruder looks good but I'm worried on how to retrofit it onto the X carriage - the Solidoodle extruder appears to be held on by two screws parallel to the y axis while the Titan looks like it's bolted down parallel to the z axis


Re: Extruder and Controller Replacement?

I have the Titan installed on a SD2. I was an early adopter of the extruder and had to figure out mounting. If you can't print the mount, we offer them here. We also sell the Titan if you haven't picked one up yet http://www.printitindustries.com/collec … n-extruder

If you can print the mount, I shared the file in this thread with a little walkthrough
http://www.soliforum.com/topic/14542/e3 … -extruder/
The mount will fit fine whether you have stock carriages, or upgraded Lawsy carriages.

Printit Mason and Printit Horizon printers
Multiple SD2s- Bulldog XL, E3D v5/v6/Lite6, Volcano, Hobb Goblin, Titan, .9 motor, Lawsy carriages, direct Y drive, fishing line...the list goes on
Filawinder and Filastruder #1870.....worth every penny!


Re: Extruder and Controller Replacement?

For some reason I thought Ramps was a firmware version not an actual board?

RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield, or RAMPS for short. It is designed to fit the entire electronics needed for a RepRap in one small package for low cost. RAMPS interfaces an Arduino Mega with the powerful Arduino MEGA platform and has plenty room for expansion. The modular design includes plug in stepper drivers and extruder control electronics on an Arduino MEGA shield for easy service, part replacement, upgrade-ability and expansion. Additionally, a number of Arduino expansion boards can be added to the system as long as the main RAMPS board is kept to the top of the stack.

You actualy need a set of boards the Arduino Mega the RAMPS shield or daughter board and a handful of driver cards.
Folger tech probably had the best price shipped out of the USA.
Microcenters carry the boards but there price on drivers is about 8 times the price of FT

typically Marlin is the most common firmware used but you can load repiteir  firmware if you like.

Soliddoodle 4 stock w glass bed------Folger Tech Prusa 2020 upgraded to and titan /aero extruder mirror bed
FT5 with titan/ E3D Aero------MP mini select w glass bed
MP Utimate maker pro-W bondtech extruder
Marlin/Repetier Host/ Slic3r and Cura