Topic: The SD prints slow torwards the end of the print..


Anybody else know why the Solidoodle prints slower torwards the end of the print?
In the beginning its like superfast, then at the very end its superslow and almost not moving.. Any reason for this? Or perhaps im the only one with this issue? tongue

When the prints is finish, and i print a new one, it start superfast again.. So no idea what causes this.. Can't find any reason why it should go that slow..

anyone? smile


Re: The SD prints slow torwards the end of the print..

I can't remember the setting in SF, but in slic3r there is a setting for top layer speed, the idea is that moving a little slower it will give a better finish.   It sounds like yours is set way too slow for the top layer speed


Re: The SD prints slow torwards the end of the print..

"Top Layer" is that the last layer, or the 3-4 last layers? Because its going slower and slower when theres like  5~ layers left.

But thanks for answer, i will look into this. Currently im using Skeinforge


Re: The SD prints slow torwards the end of the print..

I don't have access to a pc this weekend so I can't confirm the SF settings, but I do think it's slice settings causing this


Re: The SD prints slow torwards the end of the print..

What does the model look like?  It could slow down for cooling if your last layers are small.


Re: The SD prints slow torwards the end of the print..

I'm with Ian, I think it slows down on purpose if the upper layers are small to give the ABS time to cool before it lays down another layer.  On the lower base layers this isn't an issue because it's further to travel before it's putting another layer on.  Have to see the model first but that's my suspicion.