Topic: Fan Noise !!!

OK, Finally fixed all the mechanical flubs and got some good print from my press.
NOW, every time I power it up the fans sound like they are trying to shake their way out of the machine for several minutes, then the settle down but still have a throb to the sound.

Any Suggestions???
Really not looking forward to tearing it open again.



Re: Fan Noise !!!

Check that the fan grill isn't too tight or too loose. Also make sure the washers are flush with the face of the fan and that there aren't any wires poking into the fan.

If none of this helps then it's probably just a shit fan, sorry sad If you can deal with the noise, it shouldn't really effect performance.


Re: Fan Noise !!!

Haven't heard from you for a while.
I trust all is well?

Printit Industries Model 8.10 fully enclosed CoreXY, Chamber heat
3-SD3's & a Workbench all fully enclosed, RH-Slic3r Win7pro, E3D V6, Volcano & Cyclops Hot End
SSR/500W AC Heated Glass Bed, Linear bearings on SS rods. Direct Drive Y-axis, BulldogXL
Thanks to all for your contributions


Re: Fan Noise !!!

Thanks for the response.
It's not anything loose on the extruder fan.
I had to flip that one over to blow IN on the extruder and I tightened it recently.
It sounds like several of the fans down inside are going.

Se LA Vie



Re: Fan Noise !!!

All good over here smile working with Projet printers currently; in a weird way it's strangely comforting to see that even $60k+ printers suffer from poor design decisions.

I have been keeping some distance from the whole situation, partly out of bitterness, and partly of fear that I'd say something stupid. But with Solidoodle suspending operations I feel a bit more comfortable crawling out of the woodwork. I know there are still plenty of people out there with SD printers so I hope I can help any way I can.

@scramjet I actually have a few more ideas. It may not be the extruder fan! Your comment about the fans inside reminded me that there's a fan on the bottom of the printer, accessed by removing the motherboard panel, that just happens to be right next to the birds nest of wires connected to the motherboard and sometimes the fan blades hit some of the wires that drift over there. Also the wire on that particular fan is super short, so make sure it's firmly connected to the mobo.

You can also try checking the fan in the back, about halfway up the height of the printer. But really, these are some cheap ass fans and I wouldn't be surprised if they were just bad.


Re: Fan Noise !!!

Thinks for the info guys. As long as it keeps working as it is I'm not changing anything.
Getting a good print every day right now.
I'd get more but they take too long to do more than 1 except on weekends.
Making Wearable Iron Man Arc Reactors today.
One for a friend (Mk V) and one for Me (Mk 1)
Today I printed structures, tomorrow I print transparent parts,
Wish me luck on that, First time with other material than Solidoodle natural color abs.