1 (edited by driggers 2016-01-27 12:10:33)

Topic: Keenovo 120x120mm silicone heat mat under original aluminium?

Edit:  No help needed at this point.  Bought http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271826639255 and I might have questions when it gets here.  It just fits between the bolts.

New part of this post:
I think I will buy a Keenovo 150x150mm silicone heat mat and just stick it to my glass bed, mounting that on the existing aluminium bed using a spacer of some kind.

Any thoughts before I buy?  At 180W i'll be getting an SSR and have an upgraded 30A PSU.  Is that enough?

Old part of this post:
All the PCB heatbeds seem to start at 200x200mm, but I want one for my SD2.

Edit: I'm in the UK and http://3dheatbeds.com/ doesn't ship here.

Edit 2:  Mission shift time.  I want to get the 150x150mm silicone mat and milled planed aluminium sheet described in this guys video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eure74A9HNc

The mat can be had on aliexpress pretty easily, but I'm not so sure
(a) what aluminium sheet to get (I want a flat one, of course)
(b) whether ABS/PLA will print directly onto a perfectly heated aluminium sheet
(c) how to stick the mat to the sheet.

SD2 Sanguinololu 1.3a atmega1284p, wood platform, lawsy's carriages, braided fishing line, pallet wood overhead spool mount, carboard/magnet enclosure, glass bed, E3D v6, bed levelling knobs, extended z-stop, 25A DC-DC SSR for bed heater, everything fixed to the SD2 frame, marlin firmware with some adjustments and extra failsafes enabled.  I'll never give up on you, little printer that could(n't)!


Re: Keenovo 120x120mm silicone heat mat under original aluminium?

Try this...

http://www.makerfarm.com/index.php/heat … d-173.html

SD2 - Stock - Enclosure - Heated Bed - Glass Plate - Auto Fire Extinguisher
Ord Bot Hadron - RAMPS 1.4 - Bulldog XL - E3D v6 - 10" x 10" PCB Heated Build w/SSR - Glass Plate
Thanks for All of Your Help!

3 (edited by driggers 2016-01-26 15:35:24)

Re: Keenovo 120x120mm silicone heat mat under original aluminium?

Nice one.  I hadn't found that.

Do you know whether or not I should get the integrated thermistor / heat bed relay?  I'll be looking for an install guide too

Edit:  Board is $23 and shipping is $22.50 to the UK sad

SD2 Sanguinololu 1.3a atmega1284p, wood platform, lawsy's carriages, braided fishing line, pallet wood overhead spool mount, carboard/magnet enclosure, glass bed, E3D v6, bed levelling knobs, extended z-stop, 25A DC-DC SSR for bed heater, everything fixed to the SD2 frame, marlin firmware with some adjustments and extra failsafes enabled.  I'll never give up on you, little printer that could(n't)!


Re: Keenovo 120x120mm silicone heat mat under original aluminium?

Very convenient to get the thermistor...

Not sure if your control board can run the 6 x 6" PCB heater directly...it will probably require around 60-75 watts to run with more than that at startup.  If the board can support that current draw, then you can plug in the 6x6" and be good to go.

Now, if it turns out that your board cannot support the current draw, then you should get a SSR (Solid State Relay) DC-DC and control the bed with that; the input side of the SSR being hooked up to your control board, and the output side being used to switch the bed on and off wired directly into the Power Supply.

Also, the Power Supplies supplied by SD were notoriously under spec'd.  An upgraded PSU is recommended.

SD2 - Stock - Enclosure - Heated Bed - Glass Plate - Auto Fire Extinguisher
Ord Bot Hadron - RAMPS 1.4 - Bulldog XL - E3D v6 - 10" x 10" PCB Heated Build w/SSR - Glass Plate
Thanks for All of Your Help!


Re: Keenovo 120x120mm silicone heat mat under original aluminium?

SSR... will look into that.

I think I will go with a silicone mat, as per this guy's recommendation, which I have found on aliexpress in the right size.


SD2 Sanguinololu 1.3a atmega1284p, wood platform, lawsy's carriages, braided fishing line, pallet wood overhead spool mount, carboard/magnet enclosure, glass bed, E3D v6, bed levelling knobs, extended z-stop, 25A DC-DC SSR for bed heater, everything fixed to the SD2 frame, marlin firmware with some adjustments and extra failsafes enabled.  I'll never give up on you, little printer that could(n't)!


Re: Keenovo 120x120mm silicone heat mat under original aluminium?

it dont have the 3 holes for mounting bed to plate like all SD2 use

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs