1 (edited by C_D 2016-01-04 23:58:36)

Topic: 5MP mode not working

Ive seen a few comments on here with people using the 5MP camera mode successfully, but mine will not work. This a bit of a PITA because the laser calibration only works in 5MP mode, so presently I cant calibrate properly.

If I select either of the 5MP modes I get the following debug output:

Disabled the video port
Creating MMAL video mode camera resolution=2592x1944
Creating callback data...
Creating camera...
Camera Enabled...
Created camera
Target Image Width: 2592
Target Image Height: 1944
mmal: mmal_vc_port_enable: failed to enable port vc.ril.camera:out:1(BGR3): ENOMEM
mmal: mmal_port_enable: failed to enable port vc.ril.camera:out:1(BGR3)(0xa38600) (ENOMEM)

1.2MP and 1.9MP modes work fine.

Any ideas?


Re: 5MP mode not working

Hi C_D,

Are you using the SD image that came with ATLAS 3D?  Try increasing the amount of GPU memory allocated for the camera as shown in this post here.




Re: 5MP mode not working

Aha, I thought that might be my problem.

I am currently running on a RPi Model A+ with only 256MB of ram. Since I can only assign a max of 128MB to the GPU it doesnt look like I can properly run FreeLSS.

Looks like I will need to upgrade to a Model B+ or a Pi2.

4 (edited by C_D 2016-01-06 00:08:23)

Re: 5MP mode not working

So after a bit of playing around I learned a few new things.

For one you can set really bizarre memory allocations on a Raspberry Pi and it still works.

And secondly, on a 256MB model, if you set gpu_mem=160 (so attempting a 96/160 memory split) you can get both the camera operating in 5MP mode, and also keep FreeLSS running! Although it then crashed when trying to create the STL. I intend to disable that anyway since no one really wants to create yucky STL's with unedited scan data.

Note this is built on Raspbian Jessie Lite with FreeLSS from github and absolutely nothing else installed. Given how close I seem to be to running out of RAM I would think you would be very unlikely to get this working with anything else running.

I have since tried with gpu_mem=136 and it works. I want the minimum required GPU memory so I can free up as much RAM as possible for FreeLSS, so I think I will leave it at that. Its a shame it doesnt work on 128 its only 8MB short!