Topic: Camera Preview


have a strange problem. I finally assembled my Atlas 3D and all went well, and then proceeded to calibrate the lasers. This all worked first time, and calibration succeeded. That is, until I started my first test scan.
The scan started and then I pressed the preview button, and .... no picture was displayed. OK, I thought, maybe it only displayed when scan completed. No such luck.
Completely out of ideas as to why.
Camera is fine under calibration, but doesn't produce any pictures, just a black blank .jpg.
Code seems to be produced (.stl), but haven't loaded it up as yet.
Anyone out there got any good ideas as to why.



Re: Camera Preview

Make sure that the "Sunny" connector is plugged in firmly in the front of the camera.  If so, log into the Pi and see if the following command produces a JPG file.

raspistill -n -o out.jpg



Re: Camera Preview

I'm having the same problem.  Like bernie.h, nothing is shown for the preview.

The camera works.  I calibrated the lasers, toggled lasers on/off, displayed images, the test image works fine, etc.   I get reasonable scans.  Not yet good, but better than expected without much tinkering.

I'm running almost all default settings.  I swapped laser pins, but that's it.  I did perform the software update before scanning anything and now it says it's up to date.  Are we missing some configuration or something to allow preview?  [Full kit; June]



4 (edited by pirvan 2015-09-28 19:11:54)

Re: Camera Preview

First of all, the preview, is not exactly real time, it needs to be updated manually.   If you start the scan, then immediately go to preview, you probably won't see anything, just an empty turntable surface.  That's because you didn't give the scanner enough time to process anything.

Wait for about 15-20 seconds, then click refresh.  You should see a thin sliver of the scan.  If you stay on that page, it will not update automatically, you have to click the refresh button for it to update.

Also, depending on the resolution and complexity of the scan, how much had already been scanned, and the speed of your connection, it might take a little while to display an image.  For example, trying to preview a scan that is 5MP @ 1600 steps which is 80% done, it will need to process a 20MB + image, and on wired LAN, it takes about 30-40seconds to display, on WiFi, it might take 3 times longer or more.

To print or, 3D print, that is the question...
SD3 printer w/too many mods,  Printrbot Simple Maker Ed.,  FormLabs Form 1+
AnyCubic Photon, Shining 3D EinScan-S & Atlas 3D scanners...
...and too much time on my hands.


Re: Camera Preview

It's also possible that either your browser does not  support WebGL or that you have outdated graphics card driver.  The page below should tell you if WebGL is working correctly in your browser.



Re: Camera Preview

hairu526: Yes, that was it!

Hopefully this helps someone else.  I'm usuing Ubuntu 14.04 with Chromium browser and I had to navigate to chrome://flags and enable ignore-gpu-blacklist (Override software rendering list).

Now the preview works.  (And it's pretty dang cool!)



Re: Camera Preview

No problem.  I'm glad it's working for you.



Re: Camera Preview

Thank you for the above info, my preview is now working !!!
My mistake was that I was using the Pi's own browser on