Topic: Holding Filament Spools

I've had a lot of trouble with the built-in spool holder on the Press, especially since it doesn't accept non-Solidoodle filaments. My solution was to design a "toilet paper-style" spool holder that hangs off the side of my Press, but I'm also curious to see what everyone else has come up with.


Frustration is part of the process.


Re: Holding Filament Spools

My goodness... how are you getting consistently amazing prints? I have wasted SO MUCH time and filament on mine.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
- Mark Twain... maybe.


Re: Holding Filament Spools

I'm using Repetier Host, and I've fiddled with my settings a lot, which includes reducing my extrusion factor and filament diameter, and having it print more than two shells. I also use Elmer's glue sticks on the build plate for better adhesion, and I run my extruder at 235C.

Frustration is part of the process.


Re: Holding Filament Spools

I printed one of these http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:688682 and screwed it to the back of the printer. Quite a nice fit.


Re: Holding Filament Spools

There is also a hole in the back of the printer lid for other filament then solidoodles own, just put it through there and down in the original hole.