Topic: Invert extruders

Hey guys. I'm completely new to 3d printing. I have everything built and it all runs great but my dual extruders are both running backwards. I have a geeetech i3 pro c.
I tried a g95 code with a negative value. It told me the extrusion was too long.
I have no idea how to change the firmware so if that's the answer I need more than just a code.
I tried flipping some wires on the motors but they'd just stutter and stop then. I can't wait to actually print something. I'd really appreciate the help.


Re: Invert extruders

You should be able to just flip all the wires on the board.  Black green red blue or
Blue red green black.  No other combination will work.
Then you may need to adjust the VREF to get them turning smoothly.

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