Topic: Help, DIY extruder.

Hey, I have built this:

http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-y … ry-Filame/

Currently I'm trying to calibrate for ABS pellets.

Some problems:

1. Seems the surface of my filament is rough.

2. If I try to extrude at 180 degrees it goes very slow after a while and if I extrude at 200-245 and go too fast (I use a wiper motor) because molten plastic has nowhere to go it starts pushing back in the barrel.

I guess I need general advice on how to extrude ABS.

If you want any pictures I'll get it.


Re: Help, DIY extruder.

The filament is brittle and after a while the extrusion goes slow.


Re: Help, DIY extruder.

Moved to projects as this is not a Filastruder.