Topic: DID I FRY MY BOARD??!!!

Hey Gang,

So I'm a HS Teacher and I have been playing around with trying to get a 3D printer in my classroom so i bit the bullet and bought a RAMPS 1.4 kit and QU-BD extruder to see if I can get one going.

BUT I'm kinda new to this (AKA NoooooooooooBie).

I was trying to setup the firmware for the 3D Printer (DIY using an old Denford Micromill 2000 Axes assembly.) and I cannot get it to do anything...

RAMPS 1.4 (w/ 5 Pololu Drivers)
Arduino Mega 2560

Repitier Firmware (also trying Marlin)
Repitier Host (also trying Cura)

Now here is my issue... I tried to set up the firmware to the best of my knowledge and was VERY overwhelmed by not knowing anything nor being able to find a step-by-step guide. I set up the firmware and uploaded it to the RAMPS board and tried to load up Repitier.

When I hit the connect button in the program the steppers did a mini spaz movement and then stopped.
I kept getting weird errors about the temp not showing up and 'Gen7'.

I come to find out later that 'Gen7' was the MOTHERBOARD setting and I was "Supposed" to change this to '33' (which is RAMPS.)

Now I figured out *fingers -crossed* all/most of the settings that need to be done.

I uploaded the firmware and everything is connected without errors but the steppers / heaters / etc will not do anything. The only thing that works is the temp sensor (reading ~20 deg C

PLEASE TELL ME I DID NOT RUIN AN $80 RAMPS bc the pins were supposed to do different things.....

Any and all Help will be appreciated!





I just saw this thread. Have you solved your problem?

I think there is a good chance you did fry your electronics... You should disconnect your Arduino MEGA and try uploading some simple sketches to test the IO pins.

If you are lucky you only fried the ATMega chip. I would try buying another Arduino MEGA (you can also find a compatible one on ebay for <20$) and attach it to the RAMPS shield.

3 (edited by adrian 2013-03-13 23:12:42)


I've recently worked through some troubleshooting on a RAMPS board, and found this message over at RepRap fairly close to a 'step by step' for Troubleshooting things 'safely' in terms of not frying StepperDrivers etc and working 'ground up' from the Arduino through to the ramps itself and finally printing steps.

http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?1,122 … msg-122693

Its also vaguely appropriate (with slight changes) for Sanguinololu's.