Topic: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS


First I would to thank Uriah for a great project and I enjoyed every minute of building it (I did not use the Atlas hardware but designed my own but I am using the FreeLSS software)

I got my scanner up and running over the weekend and I wonder of somebody else encountered the same problems that I did.

On one the scans the progress stopped and 99.9967 and 0.004 minutes remaining - The scan was done and I had to press the cancel scan button to get back to the main menu. This only happened once.

On 2 other occasions the scan ran all the way 100% but instead of going back to main page the progress changed to 50% complete and 0 minutes remaining.


Faan Pretorius


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

Faan, the mesh construction and PLY output stage does not currently report progress.  It can sit at "50%" after the scan is completed for some time, especially if PLY output is enabled.  I am working to addressing this.


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

Thank you sir.


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

Faan, this has been resolved in the latest version of FreeLSS.  FreeLSS now has binary PLY support which drastically reduces the time to output a PLY file and has improved progress reporting so that you know how long the individual tasks are going to take.


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

I did download the newest version and the progress reporting is much better.  Thank you sir.

Could you maybe look at the issue I have with taking test images with the left laser and then the image is mirrored - creating and image similar to a test image with the right laser.

Is this normal or is it a bug?

It doesn't bother me much since I can still see the quality of the laser line and can still the required setting.


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

Faan, generate the test images again and look at which laser is coming on.  Verify that the proper laser is coming on for each test image.  It shouldn't be possible to artificially mirror the test image.


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

Will test it tonight and will post the results .... thanks for the help.


Re: Bugs that I found in FreeLSS

OK, Now i see what is happening.  On the camera screen with Laser selection setting to both lasers, when I have the Left laser on and I press test it will switch of the the left laser, switch on the right laser and take the test image.

The only way that I can do a test on the left laser is - Laser selection = Left  then take a test image.

Both Lasers is Right Laser only.