1 (edited by metaldrgn 2015-04-10 04:34:48)

Topic: Taulman Bridge

Awesome stuff!

You need an upgraded hot end for this one. My ideal settings are 245C/40-60C. Layer bonding is one of the best if not the best and along with the great flexibility of nylon not much else can touch it. It costs almost twice as much as PLA, but worth it for those special projects that need the extra strength/flexibility.

One thing to note is bed surface. I've seen people talking about using the scotch glue sticks for bed adhesion. It doesn't work good at all and checking the MSDS, it doesn't contain any PVA so that would be in part why.

Elmer's Glue-all worked the best for me on glass (only other one I had to try. Luckily I bought that at the same time to try out thankfully). Just apply some with a damp papertowl (I like the blue shop towels you get at the auto store). The only drawback is you have to recoat the bed almost every print if it's going to overlap where you printed previously unlike PLA or PET+.