Topic: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

Up until tonight, I have been running my solidoodle from a windows laptop.

Downloaded the solidoodle package from the solidoodle website, and installed everything. Got pronterface and skeinforge working, brought my printer up to temperature and hit print...

X axis homed, Y axis starts to home the wrong way!! Theres no endstop switch in the direction it was homing! It hits the end of the shaft, starts making a horrible grinding noise, and I manage to pull the power before any damage is done.

The culprit here is a faulty start.gcode file included with the skeinforge package from solidoodle.

To fix, I replaced the start.gcode file with the one that comes with the windows software package, and I am happy to say I am printing fine from my mac laptop.

Please, John, fix this!

2 (edited by MeshMoth 2012-08-19 15:38:23)

Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

All these Mac incompatibilities and problems make me sad...

I'm Pretty sure most mac users that read "Mac compatible" didn't expect to be doing all these things to their system just to get things to work. From all the threads on here and google groups, it sure seems like a huge task to even get the software to even load properly. It's supposed to be an easy printer to use and it seems like it's way harder than it should be, especially on a system that is widely known to "just work."

On the bright side of it though, it teaches me how to use the computer a little better and get to know some of the inner workings of OS X.

Hope things get fixed soon... And I'd like to personally thank you guys that have been figuring things out with the Mac side, because I'd definitely would never figure anything out on my own. I know the guys at Solidoodle have their plate full and are probably too busy with us nagging them for our printers to focus too much on the software side. So I'm happy that you guys are familiar with the system and trying to figure things out for us noobs. Thanks guys!


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

I understand there have been a number of issues about installing the Solidoodle Mac software. It seems to be confusing at best, but now a post saying that the Mac software as it comes from Solidoodle may harm the machine. What are users that just need to make prints supposed to do?

How do we we get some clear instructions on how to install and update software on the Mac?

Is Solidoodle aware of these issues, and are they going to resolve them?

How do we get the windows version of the start.gcode file and what directory do we put it in?

Are there any other mods or changes we need to do to get a solidoodle running on the Mac?


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

I've finally got skeinforge working on the PC and the start.code sends the Y off in the wrong direction. I've now flipped it so that works but the print starts printing in the corner rather than the middle.

Pronterface does show my print in the corner, but that wasn't a problem when I was using slic3r.

Is there a way to get pronterface to reliably show what is going to happen on the print bed?


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

This was posted in the Google group-

In pronterface,
goto "settings"
in the "build_dimensions" box type this

This creates the correct table size, and allows for the axis offset so x0 & y0 are in the middle.

When I first installed pronterface everything came up in the front left corner.

Also in the start.gcode the move to the center needs to be to -75,-75  and not 50.


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

Ah, no endstop switch at the top of the Y axis? That's very good to know.


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

The software was updated to fix a few the problems Friday. As I recall, I missed the start .gcode this time around. Most of these issues should be worked out soon. Friday I fixed some of the path issues. I'll get to it to today if I can.

As for the build area issue, we're working on making that a default. Should be done this week.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

Thanks John. I noticed in the pronterface python file, you can edit the default build area, so there is a quick way of making it default for new people who download the package.


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

Will there be any future updates based purely on ease of installation for mac users?


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!


The Mac instructions on the Solidoodle web page can be confusing. They do not have step by step screen shots like the windows version. Taking a few minutes to add these would save you a lot of time in the long run, and make for happier customers with a better first impression of the software.

The first thing the Mac instructions ask you to do is check the Python Version. Only recent Mac's come with Python installed, so most people with a Mac more than a couple years old will be confused right off the bat. The directions should indicate this so people know what to expect and look for. Most Mac users are not familiar with Python so they may not know to type 'Cntl-D' to exit Python in the terminal screen, another potential confusion factor.

Ponterface comes up wanting to run in terminal mode, I had to change the 'open with' settings to get it to come up. The directions should indicate that this may be the case and what to do  about it.

Step 2 says to install the Arduino FTDI drivers. A lot of people have the Arduino environment on their Mac so this step may not be necessary, but there is some confusion as to exactly what Arduino version is required. The directions should tell us what to do if we already have the Arduino environment on our Mac. The directions say that 'some users may have to manually install the drivers'. How does a user know if this is the case for him?

3D Enthusiasts and experimenters understand what Ponterface and Skeinforge are, but other customers will not. Just a simple paragraph explaining what these software packages are and how they are used would be helpful.

If you could get with someone, who has not done 3D printing, during lunch and watch them install the Mac software it would give you a better idea of where to add clarifying information for the instillation process. This would only take a few minutes and would be a great benefit to your customers.  Screen shots and a brief explanation of each step would  save new customers a great deal of time and get them to using the machine sooner.


Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

The instructions also say that while checking the Python version, make sure you are running 32bit.  I was able to see the version following the directions (2.7) but there was no indication whether it was 32 or 64bit, so I just had to hope it was right.

12 (edited by Jon 2012-08-22 21:51:47)

Re: Warning: The Mac Software package could RUIN your Solidoodle!!!

From the google forum:

Typing in the console
"defaults write com.apple.versioner.python Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes"
will force python to run in 32 bit mode.

https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgr … VPfQfMSiIJ
6th post