Topic: FreeLSS binary


Are you planning on releasing the FreeLSS software as a binary, installable program once the scanner are shipped?

I'm sure there are many, like me, that are not familiar or comfortable with compiling programs from source code, or obtaining the correct dependencies in order to properly compile a functional program.

To print or, 3D print, that is the question...
SD3 printer w/too many mods,  Printrbot Simple Maker Ed.,  FormLabs Form 1+
AnyCubic Photon, Shining 3D EinScan-S & Atlas 3D scanners...
...and too much time on my hands.


Re: FreeLSS binary

I agree with Pirvan . I would prefer a ready to go program.

SD3, RAMPS 1.4, Lawsy's carriages modified by me, 2 SSRs, E3D V6, 2 Power supplies, Independent monitoring of both power supplies (amps and volts) also extruder and bed temps, Blue Tooth connectivity, bearings in all axis & rotational points, Y axis direct drive.  Remotely controlled power box on / off . Gecko Tec build plate . Renamed FrankenDoodle


Re: FreeLSS binary

The Full Kit and Core Kit include an MicroSD card that is already imaged with the software and ready to scan.  BYOP users can follow the step by step instructions listed at https://github.com/hairu/freelss/blob/master/README.md to install the scanning software.