Topic: Received Some dirty filament

I just received some filament that had the plastic bag break during shipping, and as a result, the filament is very dusty and dirty. Is there a good way to clean the filament up?

Ulitmaker 2, a few repraps, Custom Big FFF 3D printer with heated chamber.

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Re: Received Some dirty filament

I've had that happen I just wrapped a micro fiber cloth around the filament before it entered the printer enclosure.  Wrapped that with some tape to hold it in place.  I printed that whole roll without issue.

Printit Industries Model 8.10 fully enclosed CoreXY, Chamber heat
3-SD3's & a Workbench all fully enclosed, RH-Slic3r Win7pro, E3D V6, Volcano & Cyclops Hot End
SSR/500W AC Heated Glass Bed, Linear bearings on SS rods. Direct Drive Y-axis, BulldogXL
Thanks to all for your contributions


Re: Received Some dirty filament

Yes have them send you a new one.