Topic: .1mm Robot Chess King


I didn't print with support, and there are some pretty challenging overhangs.  The legs are problematic due to both the overhangs, and cooling.  No matter how slow it goes around those perimeters, the plastic never has enough time to firm up before the next layer goes down.  I'm working on a fan duct now, and it will be interesting to see how this turns out with some extra airflow.






Re: .1mm Robot Chess King

Very nice, definitely interested to see how it is with a fan going. Can you post what program/settings you used to slice/generate gcode?


Re: .1mm Robot Chess King

How long did the print take?


Re: .1mm Robot Chess King

This was Slic3r.  I haven't been able to get it to work with Skeinforge.  If a part of the layer might have the fill exposed due to the layer above being set back too far, SF will make it a solid layer.  As a result, it kept putting a lot of solid layers in, which piled up more and more plastic until the nozzle would start dragging in it.  It also wasn't good for cooling.   All the extra layers also meant the SF version was going to take 2 hours longer to print than SLic3r.

It's 105mm tall, and took about 5.5 hours to print.  A .3mm should be 1/3 the time.  I set the layer height to .1mm, and 1st layer to .3mm.  Cooling activated with a 20 sec minimum layer time.  I have my Extrusion Multiplier set to .92, but that will depend on how your own printer and plastic performs.

Thread width shouldn't be much less than the nozzle size, which is .35.  Slic3r will calculate thread width automatically.  SF sets it as a ratio of width to height.  The default there is 1.4 which gives .42mm thread at .3mm layers.  If you change the layer height to .1, that will make a width of .14 which is too small.  So if you want to try .1mm layers in SF, you should set the width to height ratio in Carve to something closer to 3.5.


Re: .1mm Robot Chess King

We will have to save this to show to the folks who want to print toys.

Former Solidoodle employee, no longer associated with the company.