1 (edited by Fredjikrang 2015-02-16 14:58:34)

Topic: GlobalFSD (Filament samples)

I just got an order in from GlobalFSD.com, and I am pretty happy with it. I got about ten samples, and they added a sample of bronze fill for free! They have a pretty wide variety of filaments in stock, including some of the newest Taulman filaments that are impossible to buy anywhere else. (I got some Tech G, PLAtinum, and Bio G.)

Anyway, if you want to give any kind of filament a try without spending a ton, give them a try! They are located in England, so the shipping can be a bit expensive, but if you get a variety of samples it isn't too bad.

I should mention that I didn't get a tracking number, even though I paid extra shipping to get one. They also sent it to my billing address instead of the shipping address that I requested. Thankfully neither of these two things was a big deal for me.