1 (edited by mdrVB6 2015-01-02 16:24:55)

Topic: Taulman PCTPE flexible nylon help

I ordered a spool of this because I'm interested in printing with flexible filaments and I wanted to compare it to ninjaflex.  Once I saw that you could print it without the reduced speeds required of ninjaflex, and it could be dyed, I was sold.  It was about $32 for a 1 lb spool from maker geeks, so its about twice the cost of ABS and similar in price to ninjaflex.

It arrived and I got my calibration cubes done and I was happy to see that the settings I've been using for ABS worked reasonably well.  The texture of the finished print is very similar to a milk jug, as opposed to ninjaflex which feels like an RC car tire.  I printed a 2 perimeter vase at 230 C (as recommended) to see just how flexible it would turn out.  I was pretty disappointed to see that it had almost no interlayer strength and cracked immediately instead of flexing at all.  You sure could not fold it along the layer lines like you can see in the taulman video on it.  So I tried another at 245 C to see if maybe I was just not melting it enough to get good strength, and the results were basically the same- still cracking and not really flexing much at all.  I didn't even really bend it all that much, just pushed the sides of the vase together. 

This compares to ninjaflex, where I could literally bend, twist and pull on it all day long and still not break the same part.

I emailed Taulman and after going thru all my settings he said that he really couldn't determine why my print was coming out so fragile. 

Any tips?  Aside from the small possibility of a bad spool, it seems that this material really did not live up to expectations.  If any of you regulars around here (ward, elmoret, others) want to try it and see if you can get anything better out of it, I would send you a sample of it, just PM me.

SD4 w/ RUMBA, E3D Volcano, all bearings, glass bed


Re: Taulman PCTPE flexible nylon help

Is there a chance that it is getting too hot?
I'd be happy to try some and see but then I should also buy a roll for comparison.

Printit Industries Model 8.10 fully enclosed CoreXY, Chamber heat
3-SD3's & a Workbench all fully enclosed, RH-Slic3r Win7pro, E3D V6, Volcano & Cyclops Hot End
SSR/500W AC Heated Glass Bed, Linear bearings on SS rods. Direct Drive Y-axis, BulldogXL
Thanks to all for your contributions

3 (edited by mdrVB6 2015-01-02 17:41:29)

Re: Taulman PCTPE flexible nylon help

It would seem to me that breaking along the layers would indicate that it did not get hot enough, but I will try a little cooler too.

Just got another email from Taulman suggesting that the difference between set temps and actual temps might be something to consider.  All my other filaments print at exactly the manufacturer's recommended settings, so I really don't think I have an issue here.  Taulman said that it will develop a very rough texture when printed too hot, so I will try to find that point and then back off from there.  I will continue testing tonight.

SD4 w/ RUMBA, E3D Volcano, all bearings, glass bed


Re: Taulman PCTPE flexible nylon help

We used the pctpe from taulman3d and did not get any issues, my guess is that you've been printing with your layer fan turned on. We used 230 deg for the nozzle and 50 deg for the bed and gpt very good interlayer bonding.