Topic: Length of spool

1.75mm ABS filament 2lbs, has anyone figured out the length of that yet and save me the trouble?  Trying to factor materials into cost, since pronterface will read out exactly the length of filament used per print. 

I've seen people give the cost per print so I'm hoping the number is already out there.


Re: Length of spool

Found a similar topic in another Google Group.

https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgr … 5roFkXXNHY

"...you get a length of 39976 centimeters for 1.75mm and 13603 centimeters for 3mm"

That would be for ABS, there is also an equation for PLA in there as well.

"At 1.75mm and 300grams per 100m I get 333.33m in 1000grams."

Seems to be the closest approximation I have found. Next roll I get in I'll start keeping a count from Pronter and see what it comes up with.


Re: Length of spool

it'll read out "exactly" what it thinks it's used... you'll want to calibrate that as seen in Ian's blog.

I don't know though off hand.  I would suspect there is a range, as to the fact that some of the filament measures slightly different, different vendors etc.

1.81 vs 1.62 would make a difference.

I think your best bet would be to calculate the weight of objects, since you are buying based on weight as well.


Re: Length of spool

Good idea. Time to break out the triple beams.


Re: Length of spool

I'm looking more for a ballpark than a down to the penny.  I want to be able to say setup (modelling / skeinforge creation) takes X minutes, machine warmup is 10-15 minutes, run time is X minutes, material cost is $X.XX.  Hourly rate of $50? or whatever I come up with and there's your price.  I'm going to sell parts back to my work to hopefully pay myself back for the machine, then my hobby stuff is all free!

6 (edited by macmub 2012-08-28 21:44:04)

Re: Length of spool

Here is a chart.

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Re: Length of spool

Thanks, that's perfect!