Topic: Press Filament jamming

I have been trying to do some longer prints with my Press, now that I have it working, but I keep having a problem where the ABS filament will buckle and jam. I looked some of the filament that was having issues, and it seems like it has some cracking/deformation several inches up the filament. I am not sure what is causing this, but I am wondering if it might have something to do with the print head being so close to where the filament is entering the printer causing the filament to flex as it enters? Has anyone else seen a problem like this?


Re: Press Filament jamming


My theory is that the abs is melting or getting soft before it reaches the extruder. I have all kinds of white abs residue on the main extrusion wheel.


Re: Press Filament jamming

I was able to do a Yoda bust print with the lid of the Press open at 0.3mm. It worked like this without any problem. I am going to do a little more experimentation tomorrow.

I think that that is also part of the problem. The metal extruder gets pretty hot! I am going to try a couple shorter prints with different layer heights, with the lid open and closed. I am guessing that it is going to be a bigger problem with 0.1mm layer heights, especially with the lid closed.


Re: Press Filament jamming

(First interaction with a Solidoodle product here. Second printer after my modified Prusa)

I'd normally just lurk but figured it's worth adding another case onto this. I too am encountering extruder jamming issues.

Hard to spot exactly what's going on the moment it occurs but it does seem to be a mixture between grinding in some cases and maybe the mentioned heat issue (heat creep/poor cooling) in others.

At the moment, I haven't seen any residue on my extruder wheel but I'll keep an eye out for it.

A personal comment/observation, I dislike how stiff this idler pushes on the filament. I have it in pieces right now and I'm contemplating taking some tension out of the spring. (Can't recommend going this far with the tear down since things do have a tendency to *sproing* out and the moment something small falls between the internal volume and the exterior walls...) 

Currently I have one print that has managed to finishes (a plug test). Two failed 5mm Calibration Steps, One failed plug test. All failures due to extruder issues.

5 (edited by MacGyverX 2015-01-16 15:46:24)

Re: Press Filament jamming

Similar issues. But my issue started with the grub screw on the hobbed gear was hardly tighten which cause the shaft to free spin with-in the gear. And since the grub screw was 'close' to the flat spot on the shaft- It was causing this thumping sound. My new issue is that the gear is grinding into the filament. My enclosure is now filled with filament dust. I've taken the extruder assembly apart a couple of times to reduce the tension, nothing seems to help. I am thinking about moving the fan thats on the right side of the unit to the front in attempts to direct cool the gear.

SD Press - v1 (Pre-order) / RAMPs /w DRV8825's / Cyclops (25w) / Dual Bowden / Mk8 Gear / MK2b PCB Heat bed /w custom replacement Z / PEI Bed
SD2 / E3D v6 / Direct Drive / Mk8 Gear / RAMBo v1.3 / PEI Bed / Anti Z backlash mod / Ikea Expedite enclosure.
Both Driven by Octoprint (devel) via a RPi B+ / Neopixel status alerts / GPIO Controlled SSR / (SD2) 450 Watt PSU for remote power-up/shutdown.


Re: Press Filament jamming

happen to know what size allen wrench you need to tighten that grub screw on the gear?  Thinking about buying one and seeing if I can't cut it down to get it in that hole on the left side to tighten the screw without taking everything apart.


Re: Press Filament jamming

1.5mm metric

SD Press - v1 (Pre-order) / RAMPs /w DRV8825's / Cyclops (25w) / Dual Bowden / Mk8 Gear / MK2b PCB Heat bed /w custom replacement Z / PEI Bed
SD2 / E3D v6 / Direct Drive / Mk8 Gear / RAMBo v1.3 / PEI Bed / Anti Z backlash mod / Ikea Expedite enclosure.
Both Driven by Octoprint (devel) via a RPi B+ / Neopixel status alerts / GPIO Controlled SSR / (SD2) 450 Watt PSU for remote power-up/shutdown.

8 (edited by MacGyverX 2015-01-16 16:27:44)

Re: Press Filament jamming

So it seems like you don't have to remove it to get to it. See http://public.mlabs.us/ZZ1142642C.jpg

If you move the wires on the left (where the probe is) you can use the 'fins' to guide the hex in. Wish I had known that yesterday.

SD Press - v1 (Pre-order) / RAMPs /w DRV8825's / Cyclops (25w) / Dual Bowden / Mk8 Gear / MK2b PCB Heat bed /w custom replacement Z / PEI Bed
SD2 / E3D v6 / Direct Drive / Mk8 Gear / RAMBo v1.3 / PEI Bed / Anti Z backlash mod / Ikea Expedite enclosure.
Both Driven by Octoprint (devel) via a RPi B+ / Neopixel status alerts / GPIO Controlled SSR / (SD2) 450 Watt PSU for remote power-up/shutdown.


Re: Press Filament jamming

I was getting the same thumping noise from the extruder but only when i was actually printing something, it didnt seem to do it when i would do a test extrusion  of 5mm or 10mm. Also the print head is not to close to the print bed so i know its nothing to do with some type of pressure build up because the nozel is too close to the bed. Really frustrating. Im going to try what you did in your picture tonight and see if it can remedy that issue.


Re: Press Filament jamming

MacGyverX wrote:

So it seems like you don't have to remove it to get to it. See http://public.mlabs.us/ZZ1142642C.jpg

If you move the wires on the left (where the probe is) you can use the 'fins' to guide the hex in. Wish I had known that yesterday.

Thanks for the picture, it helps a lot, I think that screw may be loose on mine as well.


Re: Press Filament jamming

I'm also having the same issue on longer prints, it appears to be the distance from the spool lid and the extruder, in my press when the carriage moves it bents the ABS filament a bit and sometimes more so it causes the jamming. I've tried to print with an open lid and it works ok, also by closing the printer's front door first and resting the lid on top of it seems to be working too, only problem is the fumes and smell.