Topic: Carrtidge Resetter

I have a pretty new Da Vinci 1.0 (with 1.1J and running Simplify3d) and I am now ready to try 3rd party filament and the wctek resetter. They sell multiple versions and I am trying to figure out the cheapest one that works for me.

The XYZ v2 can reset the counter but not set temps. Is this important to me since I can set the bed and filament temp via Simplify3d? What is the point of setting the temps in the cartridge anyway?

Is it expected that the Da Vinci 1.0 will be able to be retrofitted to print PLA or will I need to buy another printer? If it is not important to set the material type I won't need the XYZ v2 PLUS.

Thanks in advance. I hope that one day I can learn enough to answer questions, not just ask them.



Re: Carrtidge Resetter

I asked the same questions myself.  The printer heats up initially to the temperatures that is preset in the cartridge.  After that the GCode takes over.  In your case, the temperature will go up to the presets (210C and 90C) and then change to whatever you set it to in S3D before the print actually starts.  So in that sense you don't need a reset tool that can change the temperatures in order to make it work UNLESS you are planning on printing with PLA in the future.  Those presets could be too high, causing your PLA to solidify and jam inside the extruder.  I don't ever print with PLA anymore so it's not an issue for me.  With that said, I forked out for the XYZPro reset tool anyway and I don't regret it one bit.