Topic: Cura Z axis offset?

I am trying to use Cura to generate my gcode but I'm having trouble when it starts printing. I export gcode then edit it with notepad++ adding the correct header and replaceing all the G0 commands with G1s,  then convert it to base64. But when I import in to xyzware and send it to the printer it starts printing about an inch above the bed. Is there a Z axis offset I need to set?

2 (edited by scobo 2015-01-02 08:58:01)

Re: Cura Z axis offset?

Try this header in the gcode start/end setting. This is how I got it to print at the correct height .....

;Sliced at: {day} {date} {time}
;Basic settings: Layer height: {layer_height} Walls: {wall_thickness} Fill: {fill_density}
;M190 S{print_bed_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own bed temperature line
;M109 S{print_temperature} ;Uncomment to add your own temperature line
G21 ;metric values
G90 ;absolute positioning
M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode
M107 ;start with the fan off
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 F{travel_speed}

Also, if you use the modded version of xyzware it does all the gcode conversion for you. Just import the gcode straight from Cura .....

http://voltivo.com/forum/davinci-softwa … e-open-mod

Davinci 1.0 with repetier firmware & E3D V6 Lite
Anycubic Photon DLP printer, Einscan-S 3D scanner
Simplify3d, 123D Design, Meshmixer


Re: Cura Z axis offset?

Thanks for the info I will have to try that header. I tried to use xyzware open mod but I could not get it to print since I have a DaVanci 1.0A. I kept getting a printer mismatch error. I do wish I could use open mod, I looked but I could not find any info about getting it to work with the new printer.