Topic: Xyzware update

What if any benefit does xyzware v. have over previous versions. Better prints? more printer control? Better slicing?


Re: Xyzware update

I just started using today, done a few prints but don't see any difference in quality. It has a 'Auto Repair' option before slicing, I assume this uses Netfabb or some other tool but I haven't tried it as I run all my stl's through netfabb already, and I have my xyz.exe firewalled as I use a resetter and firmware 1.1.J.


Re: Xyzware update

What do you use to send print job to printer? XYZWARE? Do you then load stl into xyzware after netfab? Why would blocking xyzware matter?

4 (edited by scobo 2014-12-30 18:24:15)

Re: Xyzware update

Most people block xyzware to prevent it doing an auto firmware update on the sly which would then prevent the use of cartridge resetters and disable the printer if you tried using a cartridge which had previously been reset.

Davinci 1.0 with repetier firmware & E3D V6 Lite
Anycubic Photon DLP printer, Einscan-S 3D scanner
Simplify3d, 123D Design, Meshmixer


Re: Xyzware update

Do you run your models through netfabb and then import it back into xyzware to print?


Re: Xyzware update

I always run my stl files through netfabb. I use Sketchup and the exported stl's almost always need fixing.


Re: Xyzware update

Do you then import them back into xyzware to print.


Re: Xyzware update

parentemv wrote:

Do you then import them back into xyzware to print.

yes I do.