Topic: XYZware Response Time

It it just my setup, or, is everyone with the latest version seeing really long delays after importing a model and clicking Print? It takes me 16 seconds for the Print dialog to come up, then, another 30 for the slicing window to open. This is with any STL, regardless of complexity.


Re: XYZware Response Time

When I used XYZware that seemed about average. Of course I had an old laptop with only 3GB of RAM and very old OpenGL support. Due to being Windows XP.

Printing since 2009 and still love it!
Anycubic 4MAX best $225 ever invested.
Voxelabs Proxima SLA. 6 inch 2k Mono LCD.
Anycubic Predator, massive Delta machine. 450 x 370 print envelope.


Re: XYZware Response Time

Hmm. This is an i3 with 6G of RAM running Windows 8.1.


Re: XYZware Response Time

just curious, do have your firewall blocking it from the internet?


Re: XYZware Response Time

No, but, that sounds like a good reason. I wonder if it's using a port that is not being forwarded in my router.