Topic: Makerbot sleep Mode Question

I have a 2X and I have tried the sleep Mode sleep mode with mixed results.
I have tried it with ABS and when I resume  the print lets loose of the bed.
yesterday I was printing with Makerbot disolvable (HIPS) had printed 12 hours and put in sleep mode
to go to bed. this morning i resumed the print and it is doing fine.
why is the HIPS sticking and the ADS not.

this is out of the manual
Sleep (Cold Pause)/Resume Build. This
entry allows you to pause a print for long
periods of time. When you select this option,
your Replicator 2X will complete any queued
commands before moving the extruder away
from your print and allowing the extruders and
build plate to cool. During a cold pause, the
menu option will change to Resume Build.
Press M to resume printing.

Ultimaker S3.

2 (edited by jagowilson 2014-12-07 17:27:50)

Re: Makerbot sleep Mode Question

ABS will pop off the bed if it cools. There isn't a whole lot you can do about that. I've never had a build that didn't eventually come up on its own if left at room temperature long enough. You need heat for ABS adhesion. As it cools, it shrinks, and pulls itself away from the platform. Usually a small piece will cool first, and from there it's a chain reaction as air gets under the print and further cools it. Prints I leave at room temperature but still on the glass make popping sounds until they are no longer adhered.

I've never tried slurry, but that may make it stick even in cold temperatures. Id just finish the whole job instead of pausing.

3 (edited by n2ri 2014-12-09 07:01:25)

Re: Makerbot sleep Mode Question

does bed heater stay on in sleep mode? PLA may do OK without bed heat.

Solidoodle 2 with Deluxe kit cover & glass bed with heater. and 2nd board SD2 used not 3rd and alum platform not installed yet still wood. also need cooling fan installed to board. use Repetier Host couple vers. Slic3r also have all free ware STL programs


Re: Makerbot sleep Mode Question

If you use a different host software, you can make the pause commands work differently. Probably not the pause commands from the makerbot LCD screen tho.