Topic: skeinforge and/or gcode help

If you wanted to slow down the feed speed or more accurately set a new feed rate maximum, would you also have to adjust the flow rate of the extrusion or would that self adjust in skeinforge.  I was going to use a text editor and just modify the .gcode file but then I got to thinking. 

Can anyone point to a good reference for learning and understanding the skeinforge application?

Thanks in advance.


Re: skeinforge and/or gcode help


is the official documentation, and you should stick to the CRAFT section. Also note the tutorials listed at the top.

Interestingly enough, you can changes the overall speed of the print with Repetier-Host or a Panelolu on the fly.


Re: skeinforge and/or gcode help

I saw the Panelolu demo where he turned the print speed up and down.  I wonder if the flow rate gets scaled up or down to match.

I've always had that question about the flow rate in Skeinforge 39 as well, which is why I've been trying to figure out Skeinforge 50, since it calculates flow automatically on the fly, like Slic3r does.


Re: skeinforge and/or gcode help

You'd have to think that it would scale the flow by the same factor as the feedrate, otherwise there would be a catastrophic failure.


Re: skeinforge and/or gcode help

The short answer after a test print yesterday is that the flow rate is not adjusted automatically by changing the feed rate.  The extrude diameter ends up thicker and each layer is higher than the gcode thinks it should be resulting in the extrusion head pushing a path through the thicker layers, eventually breaking the bond with the build platform.  So if I'm on the craft "tab" / speed "tab" and I had set the feed rate from 50 to 25, it stands to reason that I could set the flow rate setting from 2.1 to 1.05 and achieve the same build in twice the time.  I'll have to test it out. 

I was having a problem with my y axis movement during more rapid movements but it ended up being a misalignment between the linear guides on the LH and RH shafts, so I was essentially out of perpendicular.  I adjusted the pulley to square them up and the binding problem is gone.  But it's still nice to know this info incase you're ever looking to slow down a print. 

Thanks for the link to the skeinforge info.