Topic: Gcode issue

Been printing on the xyz using craftware to create the gcode. I've had some mixed success but just today I have started getting a strange error whereby the extruder prints a layer then returns to home then returns and prints another layer and does the same. I use notepad++ and examining the gcode there is nothing I can see that is different to others that have successfully printed. Is this something that anyone else has had experience of ?




Re: Gcode issue

always helpful to know how you're loading the GCODE into your machine (e.g. through XYZware, on the SD card) and what firmware you're running (e.g. 1.0J or repetier etc.)


Re: Gcode issue

Hiya I am loading it on manually by saving the file as SAMPLE01 etc. To the Sd card. I'm on the latest standard firmware. I think I have worked out what has happened... I updated craftware to version 1.07 and that added in a load of lines of code which I didn't think we're doing anything but they were listed in black solid boxes with white characters as CR LF... Basically I have reverted back to 1.06 and they are missing and the prints are working now

